
Saturday, May 14, 2011

New Astrology Lessons

It was a long walk, suddenly this length of a football field seemed to stretch as the lane laid before me. If it weren't so rutted to keep your mind on the steps you were taking it probably would of smoothly gone on forever. The reward was in pulling the flap door down on the old rural mail box and finding that inch thick packet that contained the book which had been ordered. These days that's all it takes to create excitement in life. Tucked under my arm held close to the chest the walk back seemed to take twice as long as anticipation swelled. Books are so much a part of life as they are someones expression of the beliefs which create their reality, excitement was written on pages knowing I'd soon enter a reality that was not my own. This particular one was written by a European Astrologer. Once found that Europeans had a much different view than Americans, but these days the gap of difference has closed as we are merging our thinking daily over the internet and thus our beliefs and perceptions are becoming oneness they have always been in truth. In this case the book was about the new cosmic bodies Astronomers had more recently discovered, and how they will now apply to the Astrologers view of cosmic chart readings.

The excitement arose because not to long ago Astronomers demoted what had always been a Planet "Pluto", to a Dwarf Planet of lesser importance. My spiritual messages said this was quite appropriate and befitting of the time called the Shift of the Ages as we moved from the Piscean age into the new Aquarian age completing the end of a 26,000 year cycle. With each cycle the energy changes in profound ways as a process of evolution and finding new planets and learning how they relate to the existing is all part of the transformation of Consciousness which determines the energies frequency. Not but a few astrologers agreed with my impressions, and that's fine as I'm a Wayshower and use to this, know in time others will catch up to my beliefs.

So it is I'm off this weekend reading this weekend, curled up reading with it dank and rainy outside. The topic is another Astrologers impressions of all the new cosmic bodies and dwarf planets which have shown up in the telescopes of Astronomy, that Astrology will be acquainting itself with as transform occurs in the Body of Consciousness of our Solar System which is one with us the human. Here is a fun thing to know that it's Astronomers the scientists up on the mountains looking in big telescopes that name these cosmic bodies, not Astrologers. Yet as Astrologers study the actions and relationship to other bodies through the transits they find they are appropriately named as the character matches the manifested bodies persona. Thus it's become obvious that the energy of the Unified Consciousness which all is part of has infiltrated the Astronomers consciousness as the make their finds.
Oh the Book:
The Future in the Stars (astrological message for 2012 & beyond)
by Alison Chester-Lambert = Fendhorn Press

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