
Friday, June 1, 2012

Seeing the Whole Picture ~~ Finally!

Guess if I wanted to could get angry~~ but it's just to much fun watching all of life trials play out at this time...Sorry if your having problems, but it's part of the times and you choose the ones to have so basically we're all wallowing in our own mire. Anyway this has certainly been an oddly funny stretch in my life.

First off son spent a day trying to deal with the state, who approved his medical assistance for hospital payments and then sent him a card which had already Expired to cover post operative expenses!!! Only the state~~ he spent the day dealing with this level of non intelligence, needless to say upset. BUT good man he didn't loose it, and this says much about where he has come to be in his vibration and transformation.

Second I'm back selling on eBay to get rid of clutter for cash to to move on into a new frequency lifestyle. All I want is a fair price, willing to break even with what I paid years ago and buyers are getting fantastic deals. It's Balance! Sold earrings $4 free shipping and the lady wants them over night...ya at $15. She's in California 4hours behind me in Pennsylvania, so of course she lollies till P.O. is closed here and I can't do it if she had paid...she never responded just paid $4 so they were shipped reg. mail. Another makes offer of $300 on what was at $375 we agree $330 free shipping and she pays for them..This is when I find out she's from UK. ya again! it costs $44 to ship to UK to meet requirement that give her the Buyer Protection insurance etc. My listings all say USA BUYERS ONLY. Included in her name was astrologer so I knew it was fine saying this is the energy now. We made an interesting connection; guess we just needed to make it to bring our vibrations on either side of the pond into harmony...She canceled transaction but we were in complete harmony of agreement, we must just of needed to connect but it occupied a good portion of time trying to get through this as the postal web site gives facts and not explanations, so I had to call the Post Master this morning to find out the ins and outs for all that would cover Precious Metals to boot through customs..

What I have seen in all this is how my Aries (Don't tread on me) has been put to the test. It's been transforming itself to find amore harmonious attitude for the vibration it holds. It's part of what all the stuff for the past 6years between son and I has been about too. On top of all this I was truly Granted a Rewarding Gift, my daughter who had a Lupus flair-up just saw Dr and all her test results say she's in Perfect Health...we should all be so healthy...she is completely off medication, even her Lungs which were scared are totally clear to perfection and the MRI shows her brain is normal.. Things could not be better......!
So guess I can assume I've done my work staying in highest resonance cause I'm sure getting a vibration of joy as my life.

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