
Friday, June 17, 2011

Learing to Swim A New Way

Around the world there are rumblings, winds of change are blowing, things are breaking up, we are setting plans freeing our inner selves by recognizing true freedom comes from within when we can live our desire and police ourselves to not infringe upon other to do the same. Having said that I can feel this freedom take hold of me from within as a stronger flow of energy than existed before. Check this blog you'll see whats going on around the world.
What is going on in the outer world is only the projection of energy from within humankind. It's resulting in a revolution down many different avenues of our expression as well as having it's effect on Mother Earth's body activities, as we all release that which has bound us to controls which keep some controlled and others controlling. This is not equality and the energy of the new Aquarius Cycle is equality of all to live their truths and each is going to do this in their own way and we will all accept this as right for each without the old set standards.

Did I mention we just had 2 of 3 eclipses and a one was a full moon. Emotion that is the Moon and around the world the emotion is passion for freedom and truth in every aspect of manifested existence. ALL is One, ALL is the Same Energy, ALL is the Field we call the Matrix Blueprint, ALL is Unified Consciousness and the ALL are reacting to Unify in the expansion of a rebirth in our reality which is transforming the limitations we have so long suppressed ourselves with. Now we don't need to be glued to the tube or clipping news articles as the news is traveling via energy waves on which we ALL ride as a Collective Expression. What we each can do is simply accept the changes unfolding in our own sphere knowing whatever they are there is supportive energy behind them ready to create the new reality where we take full responsibility for self knowing our reality is vibrating into creation from the frequency we vibrate within as thought based upon belief. We no longer look to a source outside ourselves to save us, knowing we are that Source of All That Is who will save the world by saving ourselves as we move into the flow of Unity Consciousness for the greater good of ALL.

Some of us are into world events and revolutionary activities, some more concerned with the economy jobs and providing for physical needs. Others are busy learning to work "With" Mother Earth as she tries to find a new harmonic balance to sustain the multi-faceted life she's a part of by become a community merging consciousness in unified efforts for the ALL as we move away from the self-serving tone of past symphonies. We are no doubt doing our own thing while in the midst of the Purification as the Hopi call it, and flowing with the current of change is the only way to survive not going under. We are all learning to swim this new way with the flow of Universal Unified Consciousness.

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