
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Obama's Executive Order World Order Agenda

Started today by reading a blog that could of, would of, upset me except I saw it coming and knew this would occur as ears and eyes were closed, would be closed, until suddenly that which people turned their back on really happened to their disbelief.....I've been fighting it since 1960 when I graduated High School..ya 51years ago people. I was a hippie flower child who rather than follow peers footsteps to revolt, married and bought my own land to live as I desired and new I must to be in harmony with the universe. Revolution works, but it works best peacefully when the revolt is by "Being The Example" not marching or shouting, according to my Aquarius Moon which is attuned emotionally to this New Aquarian Age energy.

The Hopi Prophecy Rock showed us this hundreds of years earlier but society choose the different path, the easy path, the one that plied ego with frills as it kept up with the Jones's
Now we have come to the point where the road divides.....
the other blog

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