
Monday, January 2, 2012

First Day of 2012

The FIRST DAY of the new year was a delight. I'm planning every day should carry this vibration more or less a non pressing day, one to just be enjoyed by allowing it to flow. There was no company as Oneson's flu is dragging on. Early morning dug out a roast, carrots, onion, potatoes, and cabbage put them in the slow cooker with pork on top, sprinkled some garden herbs and Mesquite spices over it,dinner was done just needed to cook. Love the slow cooker, got a fantastic book with over 1000 receipts while holiday shopping. I'd found hot and spicy sauces for son-in-law and bought another spicy slow cooker book for him. He likes hot&spicy and enjoys cooking it for just himself so it was a gift he really appreciated. Actually I think he liked the idea I knew that much about him,as he doesn't others...He has become quite the new person just as my son has. There something to ponder~ son and son-in-law both making transformations not in a traditional spiritual way, and yet what is spiritual if not an inner change which raises our vibration to be more in tune of how we relate to others and the world.We tend to place meanings on words, and I'm finding the definition of one such as "Spiritual" is rapidly changing and expanding to encompass far more in the new paradigm as old boundaries and limitations are collapsing.

Goofed off remainder of the day, son found several movies (new westerns) so in between doing other things we enjoyed them together. Now wouldn't you know but what they are based on principals of transformation of consciousness. Missed the name of the one about finding a lost Cherokee Dog Tribe, but the other is a long running series "Hell on Wheels" about learning to accept people for who they are disregarding their outer appearance or race. It is oh so nice to actually be able to relate to Oneson and not always be on guard with him, his non-drinking continued through New Years Eve making it a full two months.

The day was over before we remembered the Mummers Parade. The parades were part of New Years Day, but seems none of the past filtered into our first day of the new year 2012, it was totally different from any other. This is an excellent sign we are living in the flow of the moment without past influences. Being able to recognize this so clearly over these last few days is precisely what we were told would occur if we were open to it, now we can move on to being more defining consciously in our thinking toward creating since it appears in my space the higher vibration of the frequency is holding it's own in all things.

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