
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Our Pineal Gland and Faerie Pine Cones

Gotta Be From Faeries. Swear they must be cause it's just to weird. Remember we suffered a long hard winter on the northeast coast of the US, with several whopping rainy wind storms, and 100+ mph wind from Sandy that took thousands of trees, leaving some places near me looking like the meteor fields of Trinoble Russia. We lost huge 200 foot tall trees, so these little critters never would of clung to Mother Hemlock during it, since she is 75foot tall and took a powerful blast loosing many branches. It took out a 150foot Ash only 20ft from her and she is nearly bald from Sandy's hair cut.

Evergreens grow cones over summer, then fall winter and spring start dropping them to reseed themselves. Had been collecting cones all winter when the snow cleared, by spring I could see no remaining cones, she is bare and ready for a new crop of little cones. Everyday I walk the lane to the mailbox past this lovely Hemlock, and everyday I'm still being gifted with more very small cones. Today another lovely handful. I looked up and there are no cones [she's really bald so there is no mistake here] but sure enough tomorrow as today and every day before, there will again be more of these little gifts at my feet as I return from the mailbox..

Now I'd not think much of this except when I ship ebay sale items each one gets a small cone.  These small Hemlock Cones represent the human Pineal Gland as the doorway to Divine Spirit and higher consciousness. The cone has been displayed artistically on the staff of Greek Gods and Pope, as well as in huge statues outside the Vatican, and at the Egyptian Museum Turino Italy with intertwined snakes representing the awakening of the pineal from Kundalini energy. [all pictured above] It was the best kept secret from the masses by the Catholic Church for centuries, as they did not want the church to forget this is the path to our sacred connection to All That Is, but to control the masses kept it from them out in the open.  This is why I say the faeries are at work depositing these little treasures to assure a continual supply so the energy of this knowing can be dispersed around the world, carrying the awareness it is time to activate our Pineal Gland as our connection to Divine Higher Consciousness. This is just another of those happenings which is part of the Higher Resonance 5th dimensional frequency our planet is now part of that makes each day magick for me.

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